Facebook Updates Its News Feed Algorithm to Give Preference to Live Video ( Updated 2022 )

Facebook Updates Its News Feed Algorithm to Give Preference to Live Video ( Updated 2024 )

By Rohit Shelwante

Updated on: Jun 17, 2022

Table of Contents


he algorithm is designed to show you the content that it thinks will be the most relevant to you . Facebook’s News Feed Algorithm is a complex system that determines what content will be shown to users. It takes into account a number of factors, such as the user’s relationship with the person or page posting the content, the time spent on that post and the type of content.
The algorithm has been updated in recent years, leading to changes in how it operates and what content is shown. For this example, more videos are now being shown on Facebook than before because they are seen as more engaging than text-based posts.

The facebook algorithm takes into account many factors such as:
-Your interactions with posts from friends, family and other people you follow
-Your use of Facebook
-The time of day and how long since your last interaction with Facebook

Facebook Updates Its News Feed Algorithm to Give Preference to Live Video . In another sign that Facebook is increasingly betting on real-time video, the social network said its algorithm will now give more preference to video that is live than video that is not.

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The company said people spend on average three times as much time watching Facebook Live video as they spend watching other video content. According to the company, the update is not expected to significantly affect Pages.

“Now that more and more people are watching Live videos, we are considering Live Videos as a new content type—different from normal videos—and learning how to rank them for people in News Feed,” wrote Facebook product managers Vibe Kant and Joe X. “As a first step, we are making a small update to News Feed so that Facebook Live videos are more likely to appear higher in News Feed when those videos are actually live, compared to after they are no longer live.”

The company has been gradually making Facebook Live available to its roughly 1.04 billion daily active users.

Beiderbecke said he sees live video as a way for people to have a more authentic and intimate experience sharing about their lives. 


What are the Benefits of Facebook Live Video?

Facebook Live Video is a new feature that was introduced in 2016. It allows users to broadcast live video on Facebook. Facebook Live videos are a great way to interact with your audience and show them what is happening in real-time. It allows you to answer questions, promote products, or share your expertise without having to spend hours editing and publishing a video.

The Benefits of Facebook Live Video:

– It is free to use and people can go live from their phone.

– It has the capability to reach a large audience available 

 – to be use a marketing tool

– It provides an opportunity to share content in real-time


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