School of Digital Marketing

SEO On-Page Ranking Factors 2022

By Rohit Shelwante


Table of Contents


Hello Friends, I have mentioned a few points for On-Page Ranking Factors 2017. You can go through them.

On-Page Ranking Factors

The keyword for which you want to rank is it present in?

  • Is the keyword present in your domain name? Yes, it helps. But if you have already taken a domain then leave it.
  • Page Title which is also called the Meta Title? Page Title is for Crawlers
  • Is it in the Page Description? It is also called the Meta Description character limit 160. Page Description is for Crawlers & Users A proper description can help get a good CTR
  • Is it in the Page URL? 110 charters are good..Page URL is for Crawlers
  • Is it in the Page H1 H2 H3 tags? Page h1 h2 h3 are for Crawlers
  • Content-Length should be at least 500 words per page. So does your page have?
  • Make sure you maintain 2% to 3% Keyword Density & Proximity
  • Are you maintaining Keyword Prominence? Having a keyword appear in the first 100 words of a page’s content appears to be a significant relevancy signal.
  • Reading Level. Make sure the content you write is in very simple language.
  • If using images, have you given a proper image title & alt tag?
  • Make use of Synonyms and related words in the content which helps search engines to build trust. Remember Latent Semantic Indexing Algorithm? (It was told to you in the classes) If not plz do a search rite now on Google For Ex: if the content is related to photography then search engines expect keywords like lights, lens editing, shutter etc… Also check for Grammar and Spelling. Before putting the content on the site, you can check it in a Word document or ask your content writer to do a proofreading. Proofreading is the quality check and tidy-up
  • Have you checked the HTML vs. Text Ratio?? If not please check which should not be less than 15%. do a search on Google for “HTML vs Text Ratio checker”
  • Is the content copied? Copied content will not help in getting ranking. But how will you check for copied content? You can try Com also you can copy 2-3 lines of your content and paste it in Google and see do other pages have similar content. Try Now
  • Have you checked for page loading time? You can use Google Page Speed Insights or GT Metrix for the same. High page loading time hampers the ranking also it makes a bad customer experience.
  • Font Type & Size also has some ranking weightage
  • Keep in mind that average time on site, pages viewed and bounce rate are ranking factor so make sure you write content which answers the questions of your visitors
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Some other Ranking Factors

  • Does the website have a blog? How frequently the blog content is updated?
  • Have you checked the domain age? You can search for Domain Age Checker on Google and you will find a lot of sites that will show you the domain age
  • Domain Extensions play an important role. .com .org. edu, .gov u can call them Top Level Domains
  • CCTLD?? Country code top-level domains. Ex: co. in, co. uk, .ru. fr
  • Domain registration length: the date, when a domain expires in the future, can be used as a ranking factor
  • Is your website mobile-friendly? Do a search on Google for “mobile friendly site checker” or you can visit:
  • Does your site have AMP Pages? AMP Pages are great for mobile users. Check out by doing a search on Google for “AMP Page checker” and you will get it or you can visit:
  • Is your mobile site showing any pop on the landing page which is blocking the content? If yes then your ranking can drop because of Mobile Intrusive Interstitials Penalty
  • Have you checked the Rel=Canonical Issue?

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  • Have you checked for 404 Errors? Do you have access to webmasters for the same? If not then try these tools
  • Download the SEO spider
  • How will you remove 404 Errors? 3 Ways
  • Redirecting the broken page to some other page
  • Removing it from XML Sitemaps
  • Remove the links from your internal pages
  • Removing links coming from another site if possible
  • Do not put a lot of Affiliate links. But if you have too many, Google’s algorithm may pay closer attention to other quality signals to make sure you’re not a “thin affiliate site”.
  • Does the website have HTML errors? Again Google Webmasters would help you understand the duplication of Titles & Descriptions
  • For HTML Errors and their meanings, you can check
  • Have you checked for HTML / XML Sitemaps? Does this website have it? For XML sitemap generation you can visit:
  • Does your domain have Too Many Outbound Links: if yes then keep a few
  • Have you implemented No Follow Tags for your pages? Check out. You can use Chrome Extension “No Follow”
  • Have you uploaded a proper robots.txt file?
  • Does your have site HTTPS because this is a ranking signal?
  • Breadcrumb Navigation (if applicable) : This is a style of user-friendly site architecture that helps users (and search engines) know where they are on a site:
  • Do your web pages have Social Sharing Buttons like fb share Twitter share & LinkedIn share with proper Open Graph Tags implemented? Plz check
  1. Every recipient server is different and may apply different spam filtering criteria for the messages being received. Spam filters are constantly changing to adapt to new techniques and types of spam messages, so what lands in the inbox today could be spam filtered tomorrow. There are some things you can do to help ensure your emails are being delivered to the inbox.

    Get on the White Lists

    Hotmail and Yahoo! both keep lists of approved senders. Once you’re on that list that means you’ll almost always go into the inbox.

    Drips the Messages

    Spam filters at most email providers look to see how many messages you’re sending at a time. If you’re sending to a large list, even if you have a fast and efficient email-sending server, have the server “drip” the messages out slowly.

    Break Large Lists Down

    There are many reasons to break large email lists down into smaller ones, but the best reason is that doing so will mean that the spam complaints that you receive when you send your email won’t be in one huge mass. It is inevitable that even loyal subscribers sometimes mark you as spam. If you send your large list in smaller segments, the email provider (Hotmail, MSN, etc.) will see less spam complaints together at one time.

    Clean Your Email List

    Your domain is penalised with a higher spam score if you are sending emails to bad email accounts. A bad email account is an address that doesn’t exist, has been disabled or has a full inbox. These addresses should be cleaned (or “pruned”) from your email list regularly to avoid this.

    Provide a Clear Unsub Link

    Nobody likes it when somebody unsubscribes from their email list. However, providing a clear way to unsubscribe (and then honouring that unsub quickly) means that users are less likely to get frustrated and just mark you as spam. Don’t use your email address for the “from” email address.
    If you send an email that is “from” your email (let’s say and you send it to a contact with the email ( it will most certainly be marked as spam as the “from” and the “to” is the same.

    Test Your Email

    Send the test email using the exact same server and information that you’ll use with your main list. If the test ends up with most of your emails going to junk folder, then it means you’ll end up in the junk box on your main send also. The pre-send test means that you can try different subject lines and email content to try to figure out what sent you to spam.

    Don’t Use “The Big Image”

    Embedding images in email is not totally a bad idea, but sending an email that’s all one big image file definitely is, for many reasons. Big image files often carry hidden messages that would normally get caught in spam filters (words like “free” and “Viagra”), so, when a spam filter can’t read any real text in an email and only sees an image, it assumes the worst.

    Don’t Sound Like a Spammer!

    This one should be obvious! The more “spam-like” text and phrases your email uses, the less likely it is to end up in the inbox.
    Don’t use the word “free” too many times.
    Don’t use ALL CAPS.
    Don’t use lots of coloured fonts.
    Only use one exclamation point at a time!
    Stay away from words you’d see in spam: Viagra, drugs, porn, guaranteed winner.

    Even if you do all of these things and do them perfectly, your emails may still end up in the junk folder. Email spam filter criteria change almost daily and can be impacted by things that you have no control over. However, if you, as a habit, send good emails that your clients want, you’ll get into the inbox more often than not.

    We strongly suggest you follow the above guidelines because, once an email provider thinks that your email is spam, it is very hard to get back into the inbox!

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